Enerpower was engaged to carry out a feasibility study for a proposed wind energy project at Ballynagran.

The report outlines the capital costs and paybacks specific to the supply and erection of a wind turbine on the site selected, including

  • Planning Permission
  • Grid Connection
  • Turbine Supply, Erection and Commissioning

You can view or download the Enerpower report here —–>Enerpower Wind Energy Report (2013)

Also please take a look at the SEAI guidance booklet on community ownership for wind farms in Ireland. It is slightly outdated (2004) but still useful.

View or download the SEAI booklet here —–> The Potential for Community Ownership of Wind Farms in Ireland

This booklet is over 50 pages long and will take a little while to load or download!

There are several Irish community projects and contact names mentioned in the report.

We have contact details of representatives from the Templederry wind farm.

There is a proposal that our group invite them to share their experience with the project.

See page 18 of the report – they offered shares to members of the community in the project and were oversubscribed but it took 10-12 years to get the project of the ground.

In order that the assumptions made in the Wind Energy Report can be tested the Committee has published a small Microsoft Excel application that allows the user to change the various assumptions made.

So for instance:

  • What would the return be if we had to borrow all the money at 7% interest ?
  • What if the Electricity Prices only rose by 1% ?
  • What if we could get a grant of €50,000? etc etc.

This application can be downloaded here —–> Test the Wind Energy Report

A sense of the real surplus generated after replacement cost has been taken into account can be tested by downloading the application from this link—–> Real Surplus from Wind Turbine-Test   and then by testing for various different scenarios.

There is an abundance of internet resources on wind turbines and wind farms.

Some relevant links are listed below :

Community Ownership —–> SEAI Document

Physical Structure —–> Brief Accessable Description

General Information —–> Concise & Relevant Information

Academic Report 2012 —–> Performance of Wind Farms in the UK and Denmark

Industry Reply to Academic Report 2013 —–> No big drop in performance as turbines get older

Land Rental & Farmer related:

IFA Guide for Farmers
Irish Independent Tax Guide
Teagasc Information Leaflet
Telegraph Article 2011

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