Please take the time to visit a nearly zero energy or low energy building in Wicklow or elsewhere in Ireland from 11th – 13th November 2016 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) during the NZEB Open Doors Ireland 2016 event.

This is the fourth annual NZEB Open Doors where owners of low energy buildings will open their doors to the public nationwide.

Wicklow Houses featuring this year include one in Newcastle and also one in Wicklow Town.

The purpose of the NZEB Open Doors event is to showcase the best examples of low energy buildings in Ireland today to inspire people to aim for the NZEB standard in the upcoming new build and retrofit projects.

The Nearly Zero Energy Building standard will be in force EU-wide by 2021 for all New Buildings.



The NZEB Open Doors Ireland event will overlap with the International Passive House Days.

The NZEB organisers are working with the Passive House Association of Ireland to jointly promote both events.

While passive house buildings are inherently designed to be low energy, not all low energy buildings are specifically designed to the passive house standard.

During this weekend, visitors will have the opportunity to visit some of the best examples of low or nearly zero energy houses and public / commercial buildings in Ireland.

Dates and times for event and full list of buildings will be displayed from mid-October onwards.

From then on, you can book your place online.

Spaces will be limited as, in many cases, you will be visiting peoples’ homes.

Booking places for the visits will be available on their website Nearly Zero Energy Buildings from mid October 2016.

As NZEB Open Doors is seen as playing an important national role in promoting the NZEB standard in Ireland in a practical and tangible way SEAI will be supporting the 2016 NZEB Open Doors campaign.

Go to Nearly Zero Energy Buildings for details about this wonderful showcase of truly excellent houses.

Direct contact can be availed of by phone: 01 4548300 or email: at

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