In April, Ballynagran Energy Plus+ started delivering energy monitors to households in the area.  Feedback is excellent and households are seeing significant savings from more considered electricity consumption.  

Some of the examples of savings include:

  • Identification of a faulty well water pump pressure switch which was causing the pump to run for extended periods.
  • Identification of a faulty immersion timer which was resulted in the immersion being on during the day rather than at night rate (dual rate).
  • Identification of the cost of running external halogen security lights which were coming on during the night – these have now been replaced with LED lamps.
  • Allowing householders to identify particular items in the house which were a consistently high user of electricity such as GU10 halogen bulbs in downlighters or light fittings.

We believe that typical savings of 11 to 20% in electricity usage from greater awareness and monitoring will be achieved by most households using these monitors.

There are still a few monitors in stock.

For queries re availability and other general queries please contact Liam Carty on 086 168 6450.

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