A list (not complete) of stoves rated by efficiency has been compiled and is available on this page—> Stoves

For some other Stoves not listed please go to The HARP database at: —> SEAI- Solid Fuel Room Heaters

Looks Good - Feels Good

Looks Good – Feels Good

You can use the calculator at Charwood Stove Calculator to decide on the output needed for your room.

For Solid Fuel Boiler Information please go to —> SEAI- Solid Fuel Boilers


Last years Chairman, Hubert Laird, has extensive experience with and has done considerable research into solid fuel stoves.

Hubert has given the advice below.

Most of the cheaper stoves in Irish general retailers are multifuel stoves and we do not recommend these for burning only timber.

A multifuel stove will always be a compromise and will not burn timber as efficiently as a pure woodburner.

In a pure woodburner stove the principle is that the timber gasifies on the fire bed and it is the resultant gas which burns (Cleanburning).

Timber should always be allowed to burn on its own ash and cinders – it is this heat which gasifies the wood.

You will find that the better stoves come in a woodburning version and a multifuel version (which you need to specify) or in wood burning versions only.

How do you tell the difference:

Multi fuel stoves have a riddling grate which allows ash to be riddled into a built-in ashpan to create the optimum conditions for efficient combustion.

Woodburners normally have a fixed grate, or a metal plate over the grate, so that cinders and ash are kept in the fire bed, since wood burns best on a bed of ashes.

An example of a stove manufacturer which provides different Wood & Multifuel versions of their stoves.  Stovax

there are many others…

Please note this information and guidance are just our opinions/views and should not be taken as definitive. We try to support local enterprise and we apologise if we have not included a local supplier or contractor.

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