—Part 2 of a series of practical tips put together by Declan O’Flaherty

Every little helps!

Every little helps!

• The average person uses 150 litres of water daily but this can be reduced. This will be of major importance when water charges are introduced — learn how to save now.

• Rather than letting the tap run to cold keep a jug of water in the fridge for drinking.

• 33% of your water is flushed down the toilet. If you are not changing cisterns you could fit water saving displacement devices known as hippo bags or a bottle filled with water. Reduce the flush down from 9 litres to 6 litres.

• Check your home is leak free. That drip on your tap can mount up! And don’t leave the tap running when brushing your teeth!.

• Follow this link to Seai website for more information: Tap Tips

It all counts at the end of the day!

It all counts at the end of the day!

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