
The National Parks and Wildlife Service have reported that Leo, one of the badgers central to their study in the Ballynagran area, has gone missing.

The missing badger was collared and is similar to one in the photo below.

Badger (collared) similar to Leo

Badger (collared) similar to Leo

Please leave the National Parks & Wildlife Service know of any sightings at (0404) 45800.

Below is the RTE Programme about this important study being conducted in our area.


Update – 30th October 2015.

Leo’s collar has been located in the Ballynagran area.

The collar was intact which is a positive development.

The staff of the National Parks & Wildlife Service are confident that they will soon find Leo hopefully alive.

In the meantime please notify them of any badger sightings at (0404) 45800.

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