Participating in the project ——>
The InterReg website is here InterReg IVB NWE
InterReg IVB NWE has funded many other Irish projects.
Tackling issues such as climate change, natural resources and risk management, innovation and the knowledge economy, sustainable transport and ICT solutions has been the hallmark of this EU programme – leading to strong and prosperous communities.
See other Examples Irish InterReg Funded Projects
InterReg funding enables real action to be taken in the eight countries of North West Europe (see map) at a transnational level.
Zecos means Zero CO2e Emission Certification System. The Ballynagran Project is a vital part of the research in developing this Emission Certification System.
An explanation of Zecos is Zecos (Irish) Website
Wicklow County Council’s Community, Culture and Social Development Department has been particularly helpful to this project.
They have also administered additional funding through Ballynagran Environmental Community Projects and Works Grant Scheme (BECWGS)
Some additional information about the BECWGS can be accessed here. Ballynagran Grants.
And the link to the Wicklow County Council website is here Wicklow County Council
MosArt, a local company based in Rathnew, is a leading environmental design practice that includes Passive House Experts, Architects, Landscape Architects and Urban Designers.
It has undertaken and organised commissioned projects for the group.
Tomas O’Leary, a principal, was a founding member of the Ballynagran Energy Plus
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