Here are a few photographs of the met mast recently erected at the current preferred location

20150201_161132_resizedBefore a wind turbine can be formally proposed,the potential wind resource on the prospective site must be measured.


This can done by erecting a temporary measurement tower – a “met-mast”.


Typically these mount anemometers (wind meters) at a range of heights up to the hub height of the proposed wind turbine.


They log the wind speed data at frequent intervals (e.g. every ten minutes) for an appropriate period.


The data allows the proposers to determine if the site is economically viable for a wind turbine.


The data can also be helpful in choosing a wind turbine optimized for the local wind speed distribution.




A few more photographs of the met mast.

1 Comment

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  1. Ben4 10 years ago

    looks good

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